quote of note

“In this life we cannot do great things. Only small things with great love” Mother Teresa

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bake Sale

We had another successful bake sale tonight! thanks for the support this fundraising really helps us out.

I am on day 5 of my anti-biotic and feeling much healthier! but i have an appointment with a pulmonologist  for next wednesday... so we will see what he has to say!

as you may or may not know Monday is the day that we have our group GO! meetings and its what gets me through the week! the people on my team are so smart, interesting and opinionated! I love talking to them, sometimes i think about what they said for the whole week after the meeting. Reflection is my favorite time of the meetings, but lately i wish we would change up the setting. Just to give you the run through first we turn off the overhead light, then we light a candle and then we reflect on something for example a quote or an experience and once we have had a long enough silence someone awkwardly breaks it and says how they are feeling or what they think about the quote or their experience.... i love what we talk about but between every person there is a long long pause and it makes me upset because these things shouldn't have to be discussed in the dark with the lights off and ambiance lighting. These things should be able to be discussed in  full light, everyday all the time. People should share how things affect them and talk about the issues in the world around them.

This weekend we had an Oscar Romero quote "Peace is not the product of terror or fear. Peace is not the silence of cemeteries. Peace is not the silent result of violent repression. Peace is the generous, tranquil contribution of all to the good of all. Peace is dynamism. Peace is generosity. It is right and it is duty." we were asked to reflect. Many people in the group were very angry about this quote. I liked that he clarifies that peace is not found in the silent cemeteries and the silence of the people does not correlate to the Peace of their minds! Peace is a state of mind. Peace is a gift that can be taken or given. In our actions everyday. When i think about myself as a person stripped bare a person only has their smile, their knowledge and their time to give away. so if i am stingy with the only things that are truly mine, how can i say that i am working towards peace? The only things which i can offer to someone that is from me to them on more than a physical level which affirms humanity, sometimes i keep to myself, why don't i share them more? i need to work on that. Do you share enough of the only thing you have with others?

i also like how he calls peace a DUTY! because it really is not a choice... but how do we achieve our duty to it?

Hopes: My team made a lot of money at our fundraiser
Fears: nobody will respond to my fundraising letter!

High: understanding my chem lecture
Low: getting a C+ on english midterm :(

advice: smile at someone you don't know today.

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