quote of note

“In this life we cannot do great things. Only small things with great love” Mother Teresa

Monday, November 15, 2010


i have gotten some verbal complaints about my lack of posts. Sorry guys hectic week! It is nice to know that someone is reading my blog.  It was a busy weekend. i had a lot of fun i went to see a movie in manhattan The social network it was great!

This week my monday go! meeting was canceled :( but rescheduled for a different day :) I have been texting people on the GO! trip and i am really sad that some of them are seniors! because these kids are so COOL. Laid back yet active nothing seems like a challenge to them. i find myself in constant awe at how easily they speak their minds and suggest helpful hints about life. NOT TO MENTION how wonderfully they handle situations! I handled a little situation of my own today, our GO! team never received approval for a bake sale, but we had a donation coming in so i went and picked it up and stored it! 100 bagels and 50 muffins is not easy to store... or transport! plus 4 vats of hot coco! it was an adventure.

Lately i have been feeling much more optimistic about my trip. what i do there makes a difference. if there were nobody there running the day to day grunt work than the greater mission could not be carried out. so i matter, and i am helping the lives of people.... what i need to not get as hung up on is the part of them remembering me, as long as i remember them that is what remains the most important thing, because everyone deserves to be remembered.

I have identified this as a major character flaw of my own. i need to be remembered... that just doesn't happen. do you know who J. Pierpont Morgan is? he founded the NY Botanical garden! f pretty big thing to fund and build.... but nobody remembers him.... so why is it such a high goal of mine for recognition? i am not sure.. but i will work on that.

Low: not posting
high: movie in the city and botanical gardens ;)

hopes: i pass all my classes this semester
fears: my A1c has risen

advice: remember that you are no better or worst than the person sitting next to you; just different.

1 comment:

  1. So... inquiring minds would like to know what will happen to this blog AFTER India?
