quote of note

“In this life we cannot do great things. Only small things with great love” Mother Teresa

Friday, October 22, 2010

An Invitation

Dear America,

I am going to India later this year and I wanted to invite you on this journey with me! In 70 days (including today) with my university I will be flying the 24hours through Dubai air port, to Calcutta, India. Me and 10 students will work with the Missionaries of Charity in the 5 houses that mother teresa herself founded. So daily i will try and tell you a fear of mine, a high and a low and one hope. I can not promise that they will be epic or life changing i.e. "i hope to end world hunger".... (as if) they will probably be more like "i hope it doesn't rain tomorrow!"
               I hope you enjoy this journey with me and i hope you can grow to a greater appreciation of what it means to be a global citizen! Honestly America if i could offer you one piece of advice it would be get out of America for a little while!  Travel is an amazing experience and possibly the most character building, rewarding endeavor I have ever done.
       I am not trying to deceive you, traveling isn't alway easy, or stress free and the destination isn't always pretty, or affluent, but get to know the people and it will be life changing! Like i said to my friend julie "Travel can enchant and educate; give insight and intellect! Send your children out into the world and you will be amazed by the developed, intelligent young adults it will give back to you." The world is a blessing few have the chance to behold.

 Any ways i have work from 5 till 1 am tonight so that stinks.... but i have this blog now so that is cool.

 High of the day:

talking to my sister! you know the feeling when you have a meaningful conversation with someone, which unfortunately doesn't happen that often, and you don't want it to end? well that happened to me and it was awesome!

Low of the day:

got a B+ on a midterm which i could have gotten and A- on but i handed it in one day late :( don't get me wrong a B+ is awesome, but i wish i could have been better on my game.

Hope for tomorrow:

getting a great dinner with my parents and sister for family weekend

Current Fear:

Traveling to india with diabetes, honestly my diabetes is not in as good control as i wish it were, i am healthy, but i could be HEALTHIER! so that is what i am working on and it doesn't matter what your A1c is 6.5 or 11.2 just having this chronic disease can be nerve wracking. I know i can do it, because i have done it before, Senegal was no picnic with the heat and lack of electricity sometimes, but me and my synthetic insulin made it through that so i am going to be fine... but that is just what is on my mind.

also, i will be changing names, but don't worry my stories will still be true and interesting (i hope!)


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