quote of note

“In this life we cannot do great things. Only small things with great love” Mother Teresa

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Sorry i didn't update yesterday, it was parents weekend so my parents were up to say hello.
I think that i might be getting sick again! i was pretty sick at the beginning of the summer, and i have a wracking cough again so tomorrow i am going to the health center to try and get antibiotics, because i can not get pneumonia again! Last time i coughed i had a rupture in my manege seal and had to get pseudo-brain surgery up my nose to fix it! but that is a story for a different time!
I am frustrated because no matter how hard i try this weekend my blood sugar will not come down.... i hate the weekends and week days when its almost like i am immune to insulin. But i think it is because i am getting sick. I guess i shouldn't complain because without my diabetes, i would never have enough self confidence to travel to india!

I have been thinking about it a lot and which work site of mother teresa's i want to work in and i think the one which will most challenge me is the Home for the sick and the dying. It will be very very difficult for me if I am in the rooms and holding peoples hands and giving them water. But i think i will apply to work there because if you never challenge yourself, you never truly achieve success. Success is the ability to inspire people around you to realize they are outstanding. its like that old saying about light in the darkness, you can be the candle or the mirror; i don't think it matters which as long as you aren't the darkness!

High: Having breakfast with my parents, and them telling me they are proud.
Low: the homework i have

Fear: my blood sugar will never come down!
Hope: my parents get home safe.

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